Tuesday, 15 July 2014

My first fish in Lake Taupo

We put the boat in the water  and BD started the boat's engine. We made our way to the fishing spot at Acacia Bay .We put the rod's in the water and the boat started it's engine again because we were going trolling and the boat needs to move to go trolling. We waited until we got a bite. We had a few snacks like chips and after a while we decided to wind the lines in. When we were winding
the rod's in we got a bite on one of our roads it was my rod I wined it in. but unfortunately it was a baby fish. But as BD put the fish back in the water I felt happy for catching my first fish
so we could not keep it but at least it was my first fish from Lake Taupo. We gradually got faster   when we were heading back to shore and we got the boat up on the plain we zoomed back to the boat ramp and put the boat on the trailer and went back home. When we got in the door I thought  to my self what an exiting day!!!

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